What Has Albert Got to Do With it? - Hearts Of Fire Project
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What Has Albert Got to Do With it?


“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein.
This seems like an obvious statement, doesn’t it? We don’t really need a genius to figure this out, do we? Yet we keep doing this again and again.

We created a culture that values people by what they have and what they consume. Thus, those that have less and use less, ARE Less. Less than what? Less than human, less deserving of respect, love and compassion?

We live in this culture, in a collective judgment of who we and others are. And there is a lot of suffering because we really believe who we are is what we have, or don’t have.

As Mr. Einstein deduced, we can’t find answers to homelessness using the same thinking, the same judgments, the same view of humanity that created it. A new view of humanity, a new paradigm if you will, is required to find answers. This new view is not really new – it has lived inside most religions for centuries. However, these religions also exist inside the economic, survival based paradigm and thus do not effect fundamental change in the world.

I don’t have all the answers, but I know that we can start with being human and loving humans simply because we share this planet, the experience of life and a deep connection that transcends this world. Let’s start with love, love for no reason. Just love. You love me and I love you.

(above, “Wilson” a watercolor by Ray, Turning Point Foundation, Ventura, CA)

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