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Real Time Street Time

Real Time Street Time...

Mike Horvarth is an amazing guy who almost single-handedly is transforming homelessness across the U.S. I don’t know alot about him personally, but he is moving fast and bringing the hearts of people to us through real time videos. Check out his blog, invisible people. Jennifer by Mike Horvarth. “Meet Jennifer. Last night, she slept outside on a sidewalk near Times Square in New York City. If that doesn’t...
Obama On Board?

Obama On Board?...

Bob Ballard At his March 24 press conference, President Obama talked about the homeless epidemic in this country. He said that he is “heartbroken that any child in America is homeless” and that “the most important thing that I can do … is to make sure their parents have a job.” He also said “that change in attitudes that I want to see here in Washington and all across the country is...
Some Time Later…

Some Time Later…...

Hello World! Lots of things have been happening in my life and probably yours if you are living. I have had the pleasure of speaking with people about the Hearts Of Fire Project and the vision I have of who homeless people are. I love who they are and am committed to bringing that essence of humanity that inspires me, to the world. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to maintain the vision, to carry on no matter what....
What Has Albert Got to Do With it?

What Has Albert Got to Do With it?...

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein. This seems like an obvious statement, doesn’t it? We don’t really need a genius to figure this out, do we? Yet we keep doing this again and again. We created a culture that values people by what they have and what they consume. Thus, those that have less and use less, ARE...
The Answer Is GIVING!

The Answer Is GIVING!...

As we hear more and more bad economic news and people get more frightened, more afraid – what happens? What happens to people when they are scared? People feel like their survival is threatened, that they may loose the things they have – the money, the car, the house – things that they believe are essential to life. What has happened is that we have invested who are in what we own and those things have...
Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace...

In my attempt to avoid inconsequential stuff, I spend some time each day contemplating who I am and what I am doing here on this Earth. In so doing, some interesting things come up for me. For example, the other day I was thinking about all the miraculous things that have been happening with this project and my life (mostly the same thing) lately. I realized that I have tapped into an energy flow, like a cosmic beam...

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