2010 January - Hearts Of Fire Project
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First Time Shelter Visit

First Time Shelter Visit...

I am always searching for ways to convey my experience of being with homeless people. I want to convey my experience of being at a shelter, talking and just being with the great people I find there. I am not sure that people understand my experience when I tell them about it; I guess you kind of have to be there to get it. Kim, the author of the following article, visited a shelter for the first time and explains what...
RV To Be Awarded To Homeless Family

RV To Be Awarded To Homeless Family...

New Home We are pleased to announce our first RV award! On Saturday, January 30, we will give Maria and her son an RV! Maria is a caregiver who has been staying at client homes trading her services for rent. Like many low income people, she doesn’t earn enough to move out and get her own place. She and her 12 year-old son have health issues which make it even more difficult for them to live without their own place. Maria...