Comments on: Obama On Board? Empowering homeless people Tue, 05 May 2009 05:52:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: darlene matthews Tue, 05 May 2009 05:52:57 +0000 Please sign to help make housing for all as more and more folks senior and disabled are homeless..

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force has released the results of a new study that estimates that 1.2-1.4 million very low income non-elderly disabled households without children had worst case housing needs in 2005. This range is more than twice the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s estimate of 542,000 non-elderly disabled households published in HUD’s most recent worst case housing needs report to Congress, Affordable Housing Needs 2005 (May 2007) ………………. …………………… In addition to improving estimates of worst case needs among non-elderly households with disabilities without children, the study found that 0.9-1.0 million families with children with worst case needs in 2005 had non-elderly adults with disabilities in the household. Thus, overall, the study finds that almost half of the nation’s 4.7 million non-elderly households with worst case needs include adults with disabilities. The remaining 1.3 million worst case households have elderly heads or spouses. ………….. ……………………..

By: Regina Sun, 19 Apr 2009 14:41:01 +0000 Hi Bob,
Great to see your face. I love the article. As we each continue to open ourselves to a new way of approaching life we will each benefit from our love and actions to all rather thay are rich or poor, housed or houseless. We each experience life in the truth of what we see. The trick is to look past what we see and look for the good and love in each and every situation, person and moment. What we see is not always what is real.
I so love the fact that your project has given a new face to what has been labled homeless. Blessings to you and your project.

By: Sue Molenda Wed, 08 Apr 2009 04:06:18 +0000 Bob, what a fantastic article you’ve written. And Wendy has a great suggestions: land grants/green homes/temporary quarters/utility vouchers.

I am excited to be working for the author of a new book entitled, “The Smartest Way to Save.” I think it may prevent some who are not yet homeless from ending up in that condition.

I know that the author contributes to many charities, including some that house homeless people. Those who wish to have extra funds to contribute towards helping others would do well to read the book.

I used to feel that having money was in some way immoral. But… now I realize I could do much more to help others if it didn’t require more than half my time and all my energy, just to earn enough to barely survive.

I’m too tired to expound on this topic, but… suffice it to say, I’m going to begin to save money so that I can do more. I don’t want to save more to keep– I want to help others to have what they need to survive… and to also help others. I don’t anticipate earning great wealth, but if that should happen, i will definitely use it to provide opportunities for the homeless– arts education, film school… and the opportunity to present plays, musicals, and to make films… those kinds of activities are enriching, even if they don’t make the artists wealthy.

My parents were poor, but talented. I always believed their music brought them far greater joy and satisfaction than a rich person’s money could bring them, particularly if they had no talent for anything as soul-satisfying as music, art, dance, theater, or writing.

Many homeless people are rich in talents. I want to join you in helping them to have outlets for the expression of not only their talent, but the stories of their lives– the struggles, the triumphs, the devastation, and the longings, both unmet and fulfilled. There is a treasure of unappreciated humanity among the poor.

Thank you for helping others to see it.

By: Wendy L. Kaysing Sun, 29 Mar 2009 15:12:42 +0000 Hi Bob,

I agree with your assessment re the producer/consumer economic doesn’t work because it is simply not sustainable in the way it has been run–e.g. the goods produced are based on planned obsolescence–heads of corporations created a “throw-away” society on so many levels, that’s true–but there is a solution, and we only need look at the pioneers of old who literally walked west across our country (no cars, no trains), and then built by their own hands shelter to live in…and then creating towns to support their needs…e.g. first housing, THEN jobs…not the other way around.

So, you are right, Obama cannot offer jobs and expect a homeless person to succeed in it at least not until that person has a HOME BASE! My solution is to offer land grants, and provide “green” (e.g. eco-friendly) pre-fab houses, which can be paid for at a later date, when the person finds a job.

Alternately, there are hundreds of empty buildings and houses across the nation…the government can offer these as temporary housing, along with vouchers for utilities…then when people start going back to work, they can either stay and buy or rent, this temporary house, apartment, or space, or else move to a better place. But first things first…a place they can call home! How many employers will hire someone without a fixed address? Not many, if any! Keep up the good work, and keep me informed!

As my father (who wrote the book “Homes for the Homeless) used to say: Love, Joy, Action!

Best wishes,
