Sharing The Vision - Hearts Of Fire Project
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Sharing The Vision

Bob Ballard

Bob Ballard

Sometimes, I wonder why I do this, why I am still working to expand and develop the Hearts Of Fire Project. A couple of years have passed since I started the project and I sometimes question my progress and my motivation.

Today, as with most days, I woke up not wanting to get out of bed. Then I remembered my commitment, my vision for what is possible for people. I remembered that I am standing for the Beauty and Majesty of people filling our Hearts and Souls, creating a world filled with Love and Abundance for everyone. That is why I am here, why I got up and why I stood out on the sidewalk again today talking with people about the expression of my commitment, the Hearts Of Fire Project.

When I am with people, talking with them and enjoying being with them, my concerns disappear and I am left with love. Just plain and simple love of people. I am so blessed to be be inspired by my vision of the greatness of people, particularly homeless people – they are the source of my inspiration. To be able to share my life and my inspiration with others and to be of service to people is a privliedge that I value highly.

A few years ago, I had no such vision,  no inspiration, nothing to lift me out of myself. Sure, I had some things and some people that I enjoyed in my life, but I was not truly alive, not fully expressed and did not really understand what it is like to make a difference in the world.

Yes, I am honored and grateful, all out of simply following my heart and allowing it to guide me. Just being with people on the sidewalk is now a miraculous experience for me. And to think, I didn’t want to get out of bed today….

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