Video Inspires People Of Egypt - Hearts Of Fire Project
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Video Inspires People Of Egypt

As I have traveled around the country talking with the dispossessed of this land, I have learned much about myself and about what is truly important. Freedom is important. Not just lip service freedom, but real freedom, the kind people are willing to die for. The people of Egypt and other countries in the Mideast are willing to die for their freedom. They inspired me to write a song and create a video that I wanted to get to them somehow. I wish they could blast it through the speakers in Tahir Square and sing along!

Well they did! The End Of Fear video has made its way to people in Egypt and they are sharing it. Here is what one of them said:

Hello Creative and Passionate Bob, Many Thanks for your pure feelings towards Egypt people and our cause. I really appreciate your amazing and talented efforts through your master piece. I loved the song and I felt passion as it say what every Egyptian feels now “Freedom” and our End of Fear!! I really can’t thank you enough.

I will spread the video as much as I can as I am sure it will mean alot to every Egyptian in the meantime. Please keep sharing your great work with us.

Looking forward to hear from you. Peace , Love and Freedom to All of us 🙂


Please help send this video around the world. Everyone deserves to be Free!

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