Some Time Later… - Hearts Of Fire Project
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Some Time Later…

Hello World! Lots of things have been happening in my life and probably yours if you are living. I have had the pleasure of speaking with people about the Hearts Of Fire Project and the vision I have of who homeless people are. I love who they are and am committed to bringing that essence of humanity that inspires me, to the world.
Sometimes, it is difficult for me to maintain the vision, to carry on no matter what. My money situation has not been good for quite some time and it starts to wear on me after awhile. The eternal question “how do I do what I love and prosper financially at the same time?” Both things I am passionate about – the beauty and majesty of people and creating music – don’t seem to pay very well, at least not yet.
I am often reminded of who I am and what I am standing for by people I meet at our Hearts Of Fire Project events. Like this Saturday at our Ojai show.
Late in the day, a middle-aged, turban wrapped woman stopped by and we began to talk. Gwen (not her real name) said she had been homeless for several years, but recently began sleeping on a friend’s coach, so she is not technically homeless right now. She had been living near the river bottom off East Ojai Ave., in back of the Animal Humane Society facility on Bryant St. Gwen and her fellow travelers slept in tents or lean-to’s out there and stole blankets donated to the animal shelter for the animals. She said they were cold and needed the blankets.
This is a good example of what is not humane about humans. We care more about pets than our brothers and sisters. We honor animals more than people. The sad part is that this behavior illustrates that we are not yet aware that we are all one human family. Not honoring and caring for one person is not caring and honoring everyone. We are connected, we are one consciousness.

One Response to “Some Time Later…”

  1. mary says:

    all good musicians teach others who would like to learn. good way to make extra money.

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