2009 August - Hearts Of Fire Project
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Art Show Success

Art Show Success...

Art Show In Progress On Saturday, August 22, we exhibited 60 pieces of art at the E.P. Foster Library in Ventura.  The art work was created by the people at the homeless shelters we have visited.  In addition, we screened the documentary film of our tour. The event was simply amazing. A small but enthusiastic crowd attended and everyone enjoyed the art work and the film. I talked about the status and my vision for the...
Human Disconnection In St. Petersburg, FL

Human Disconnection In St. Petersburg, FL...

Is this how human beings treat other human beings? Is this how we help homeless people? This video was filmed by Tina May, one of the people who was living under the bridge when this raid took place. St. Petersburg is not the only place where this type of activity is happening. The police are not to blame, and really, neither is anyone else. Blaming people does not work. whether they are homeless or whether they sit...
Success At The Ventura County Fair!

Success At The Ventura County Fair!...

Diane, David, Jill, Mary and Bill We had a blast at the fair and exceeded all of our expectations. During the 11 days and nights we were there, more than 306,000 people were exposed to the Hearts Of Fire Project.  Because we were positioned right next to the fair entrance, we were the first thing people saw when they arrived and the last when they left. As a result, we spread our message far and wide and spoke with many...
Who Are We?

Who Are We?...

Here is a picture. Guess where it was taken? No, it is not it is the capital of an African country, or in India or Asia. It is a picture of a street in downtown Los Angeles. Yes, this is what THIS country looks like today. The guy with the cart is Andy Bales from the Union Rescue Mission and he is literally rescuing people who need water to survive. We don’t need to scour the world for people that need help. All...